Mittwoch, 1. März 2017


Today we had pastizzi for lunch. For the ones, who don't know what that is, just visit Malta, and buy one, for incredibly cheap 30 cents. Then buy two more, because you love them. So, pastizzi is a delicious Maltese food, filled with cheese. Some are filled with peas, but just trust me this time, and buy that are filled with cheese. But the thing, why pastizzi are important, is, that others, who has been staying here for weeks, never have tried them. And that had to be changed. So we changed it :)

It's the first day of March today, and something went terribly wrong here. As I know, it supposed to be the first day of spring, but instead of that, we had the first day of summer. Sunhine, iced latte, sunglasses. Even in class we travelled to tropical islands, Trinidad and Tobago.

One question for the end: who cookes the best pasta in town? No. Not someone from Italy. That was Gonzalo, the spanish boy :)

this time's first photo from this perfect spot, I should count how many I have in total :)

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