Montag, 27. März 2017

see you

I've spent an amazing month in Malta again. I've learnt a lot again. I hope that is not only me, who thinks that. I've met wonderful people. Crazy ones, beautiful ones, clever ones, and of course the best ones. Thank you guys, you'll have a place in my heart forever. And thank you Maltalingua, for all the teachers and for Julian. And thanks to everyone who made this month so incredibly great again. But now it's time to go, and time to annoy my family with my Malta-stories again :) So, Mom, Dad, Ger, be prepared, and don't be afraid, I'm not staying longer, see you tomorrow :) and to all the others, see you soon, hopefully :) and to all the Maltese, you can be afraid, I'm coming back, see you ;)

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