Mittwoch, 22. März 2017


Once, far far away, believe it or not, there was a king. He had three sons, The two older ones got marreid, but the little prince didn't. The king, getting older and older, began to worry about the little prince. But the little prince kept saying, that he'd only marry the most beautiful in the wolrd. One day his nanny overheard a conversation etween father and son. The nanny then told him about the most beautiful in the world being held captive by a witch on the 77th island of the Black Sea. The little prince immeadiately wanted to go and rescue her. The nanny sent him to her sister, who lived on the 3rd hill. It took 3 days to get there, and as the little prince arrived, he saw a very very old woman, without any teeth. He greeted her politely.
"I saw you coming little prince and I have what you need. Here is a whip. Go to the meadow, pluck the three golden hairs that are growing on the top of your head and hit them with the whip."
The little prince thanked her, went to the meadow, plucked his three golden hairs and whipped them. A magig steed appeared and asked:
"Where do you want me to take you little prince?"
"To the 77th island of the Black Sea" - he replied.
"How fast should I fly?" - asked the steed - "like the wind or faster?"
After a wink they stood at the entrance of the 77th islad of the Black Sea. As they entered, it became so dark, that the little prince could't see his nose, let alone farther. Then he found three reeds. Now he remembered the warnings of his nanny: " Cut the three reeds at once! There is where the witch captured the most beautiful in the world and her two maids. If cut the reeds open, make sure you have water for the girls."
So the little prince cut the three reeds, got on his steed and began to fly home. But his curiosity got the better of him, and he cut open the reed in the right. A beautiful girl appeared and said:
"Water, water, or I'll die."
As the little prince couldn't offer her any water, she died. The two remaining reeds began to cry.
After a while, not learning from his mistake, the little prince cut the reed on the left open. A beautiful girl, more beautiful than the one before appeared and said:
"Water, water, or I'll die"
And she died.
For the 3rd reed the little prince looked for a source of fresh water. He stopped his steed and cut open the last reed. The most beautiful in the worls appeared, the little prince couldn't believe his eyes. They looked at each other and fell instantly in love. They flew home and got married. If you don't believe this, go and visit them in their kingdom.

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